All posts filed under “Andrew Looney

Episode 157: It’s Something or Other, Charlie Brown!


First Keith reports on a couple of D&D games in the middle of playing, which included a scene with a fancy dance involving daggers. Then Keith talks about several podcasts he listened to recently, and some of the issues discussed thereon. The guys then talk more about their experiences at GenCon. Andy talks about awarding Homeworlds medal #17, and describes new ideas he’s been playing around with for a variation of the game that has no combat and a different end condition. Keith talks about Potion Explosion, Root, Arkham Horror, and the how difficult it is to walk the enormous exhibit hall when you’re busy running a booth. They talk about the meaning of name Delos, and Andy talks about an RPG called TimeWatch. Keith talks about media he’s been catching up on, including Cloak & Dagger, Castle Rock, and Making It. Kristin interrupts to bring Andy the first samples from the factory of Fairy Tale Fluxx and Mary Engelbreit Loonacy, and talks about the progress he’s been making on the Star Trek version of Chrononauts he’s currently designing.


Episode 156: Game Designers Sitting Still Eating Pizza


This episode was recorded during Gen Con at a Giordano’s pizza place. First Andy shows Keith his prototype-in-progress for a new version of Chrononauts based on the historical events of the Star Trek universe. Keith talks about playing backgammon at a family reunion, then they get into discussing what they’ve been doing at Gen Con. Keith talks about why he had two booths, and describes the four Writer’s Symposium panels he was on. This leads to a discussion of their favorite, and least favorite, alien races. Andy talks about running his newest Parsely game, Ducks on a Plane, then they play a couple of rounds of Andy’s newest social deduction game, Are You a Robot?. Lastly, the pizza arrives, and the guys have to stop talking so they can eat!

Episode 155: Cane, Walker, Wheelchair


First the guys talk about Gen Con and other travel plans. Then Keith talks about The Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron, which he’s been working on for months and which was just released. Andy reports on his progress with the new game he’s developing called Are You A Robot, then tells of moving his aging father into the next level of care at his retirement home. Andy talks about installing a TV screen showing a looping video of a fireplace inside an old wood stove, and Keith talks about seeing a Rick & Morty episode he’d missed the first time around. Moving onto media, topics include Timeless, Travelers, Cloak & Dagger, and Ant Man. Things get spoilery when Andy starts talking at length about Future World, the 1976 sequel to Westworld and end with their views on the first season of The Crossing.


Episode 154: Colonel Custard


The show begins with a lengthy discussion of custard and other desserts. Keith talks about The Story George Told Me and How I Met Your Mother, which leads to another discussion about TV series finales. Andy steps away briefly to take some custards out of the oven, leaving Keith to talk about ice cream cake, and then they get into a big discussion about villains in the MCU. This leads to a discussion about long-term continuity in writing about famous characters, in particular the changes in direction in the recent Star Wars movies. (Beware of some slight Solo and Last Jedi spoilers towards the end.)


Episode 153: The Perfect Sky is Torn


First the guys chat about the weather, and work stuff… Andy talks about some new design ideas he’s been having for Space Fluxx… but they spend the most of this show talking about Westworld, first discussing the original 1973 film, and later, the finale of season 2 of the series.


Episode 152: Sneaky Kobold Units


The guys spend this whole episode just rambling about a wide range of topics, which include: visiting New Orleans, various implications of life-like robots, the tricky role of the Seer in a game of Werewolf, listener comments, dealing with cell phone usage in modern setting RPG games, strange cat behaviors, and a new game about robots which Andy is working on. Media topics mentioned include Westworld, Legion, Bumblebee, The Tick, The Good Place, The Americans, Solo, RGB, and Powerless.

Episode 151: Jurassic West World


Andy and Keith start with a lot of non-spoilery discussions about Westworld, with small mentions of The Americans, Legion, Fahrenheit 451, and Into the Badlands. Then they discuss the Transformers at some length, and a few other things include The Crossing, watching movies on airplanes, and ducks. Andy talks about work stuff, having just finished up work on the last of 10 new products SKUs Looney Labs will be releasing at the end of the summer. Keith mentions work stuff he can’t talk about, and instead talks about growing peas and cucumbers in his garden. Andy talks about visiting his dad, who’s health is continuing to decline. Then they talk about seeing Fluxx and Gloom sold side by side in faraway game stores, which gets Keith talking about some new ideas he’s been having for Gloom. Lastly, after lowering the spoiler curtain, they discuss the penultimate episode of season 2 of Westworld.


Episode 150: So Low


First, Keith reports on his recent trip to the UK, including stories about Portmeirion, the Sir John Soanes Museum, UK Games Expo, and a boardgames meetup group called London On Board. Meanwhile, Andy’s just been working and watching TV. Moving on to media, they touch on Fahrenheit 451, The Americans, Legion, The Crossing, Into the Badlands, Dirk Gently, and Westworld, and then spend a lot of time discussing Solo.


Episode 149: One Rulesheet To Rule Them All


First Keith talks about Slurpees and a game called Vye. Andy talks about work stuff he’s been focusing on, including a massive redesign of the standard Fluxx rulesheet. Keith mentions his upcoming trip to Wales and the guys talk about games in and about The Prisoner. This leads to a discussion of reboots and problems that different shows can run into in their second season. Comments sent in by a listener named Michael get the guys into another conversation about stun guns and various other big-picture questions about the Star Wars universe. After dropping the spoiler curtain they discuss Westworld, the Expanse, and the Crossing.


Episode 148: June 23, 2020


First the guys catch up on the stuff they’re each working on. Keith tells a story about a questionable decision by a tombstone manufacturer, and asks philosophical questions about sci-fi scenarios involving robots. Moving on to media, the guys discuss Legion, Better Call Saul, the Last Man on Earth, Dunkirk, the Greatest Showman, and Westworld.