All posts filed under “Andrew Looney

Episode 231: Pizza Quesadillas

This week the word is changes. First they talk about how the Romulans were changed to be the Klingons during the development of Star Trek 3, and other ways in which key elements of on-going story franchises have changed and evolved over time. Keith talks about how changes to the way werewolfism was dealt with in the rules to D&D impacted the design of Eberron. Other topics they mention include Life’s Lottery, The Butterfly Effect, and The Doom Patrol. Then they lower the vintage spoiler curtain to discuss Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country at length.

VINTAGE SPOILER WARNING: contains vintage spoilers.

Episode 229: To Binge, or Not To Binge

This week the word is binge. The nerds talk about the pros and cons of binge-watching vs. taking new episodes one at a time. Then they touch base on their work projects before moving on to media. They discuss the first episode or two of Upload, Space Force, and season 2 of Homecoming. Then they lower the vintage spoiler curtain to discuss Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home at length.

VINTAGE SPOILER WARNING: contains vintage spoilers.

Episode 228: I Choose The Danger

This week the word is change. The nerds talk about how the world has changed because of the current crisis, and about change in general. Moving on to media, they discuss a variety of different shows they’ve recently started watching, or re-watching. Lastly, they lower the vintage spoiler curtain to discuss Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock at length.

SPOILER WARNING: contains vintage spoilers.

Episode 227: The Life Star

This week the word is Khaaaan! The nerds start by discussing genetically-altered characters in Star Trek and other shows. Then they discuss random other topics, including the most recent season of Survivor, germs on cakes, voting by mail, and bags of holding. After the spoiler curtain they discuss The Wrath of Khan at great length, having both just done a re-watch. They also recap season 3 of Westworld.

SPOILER WARNING: contains vintage spoilers.

Episode 226: Cake or Trek?

This week the word is cake. Andy talks about a new cake recipe he’s excited about because it uses up the egg yolks you have left over when you make an angel food cake. Other cake related topics include ice cream cake, cake vs pie, references to cake in media and common expressions, and comedians who talk about cake. Then they spend most of the show discussing Star Trek: The Motion Picture at great length, having both just seen it again for the first time in decades.

SPOILER WARNING: contains vintage spoilers.

Episode 225: Spoiler Spoilers

This week the word is spoilers. The nerds discuss the merits of not shielding oneself from spoilers, and Keith breaks down the 3 different types of spoiler situations. They try to avoid spoiling the stories they discuss, but sometimes it’s a spoiler just to know that something has a big twist, so this episode is very spoilery, and this blurb isn’t going to call out the specifics of the media they discuss. At the end they discuss the next to last episode of season 3 of Westworld.

SPOILER WARNING: contains spoilers.

Episode 224: Brain Burners

This week the word is puzzles. They start by discussing jigsaw puzzles, then extend the conversation to all types of puzzle-solving. Topics include role-playing games with puzzle elements, difficulties in designing puzzles, and stories from Magnet and early LARPS. Andy talks about a couple of vintage board games that feature jigsaw puzzle elements. At the very end they spend a few minutes discussing the latest episode of Westworld.

SPOILER WARNING: contains spoilers.

Episode 223: Deep Rants with Andy Looney

This week the word is 23. Keith explains why 23 is his favorite number, and the nerds reminisce about what they were each doing when they were 23 years old. Andy tells the story of how he got hired at NASA, and what it was like working for the Hubble Space Telescope. Then Andy spends a lot of time talking about Battlefield Earth, after which he mentions a few things that will be changing in the next printing of Math Fluxx. Then they each give their latest reports from the Quarantine Zone. They talk a little about the upcoming Dune movie, and talk more about the National Lampoon parody thereof. Other topics they ramble about include expressions they don’t think make sense and Match Game and other game shows. At the very end they spend a few minutes discuss the next episode of Westworld.

SPOILER WARNING: contains spoilers.

Episode 222: The Chocolate Miracle

This week the word is chocolate. The nerds have a lot to say on this subject. They each inventory all of the chocolate they currently have in the house, they debate issues like milk vs. dark, brand preferences, combining chocolate with peanut butter, the recent surge in salted chocolate, and otherwise carry on about chocolate for more than half of the show. Then they lower the spoiler curtain to discuss the episode 4 of season 3 of Westworld, about which they also have much to say.

SPOILER WARNING: contains spoilers.