All posts filed under “Eberron

Episode 148: June 23, 2020


First the guys catch up on the stuff they’re each working on. Keith tells a story about a questionable decision by a tombstone manufacturer, and asks philosophical questions about sci-fi scenarios involving robots. Moving on to media, the guys discuss Legion, Better Call Saul, the Last Man on Earth, Dunkirk, the Greatest Showman, and Westworld.


Episode 147: The S’mores Problem


Andy complains about the expression “Pulling the trigger,” which leads to a discussion of the stun setting on guns in Star Wars. Then Andy talks about a great new way of preparing S’mores he just developed. Next, Andy talks about hammering out a design for Deep Space Nine Fluxx, now that the first two Star Trek Fluxxes are about to go to the printer. They discuss Star Trek for awhile, then move on to the Expanse, Westworld, Counterpart, Orphan Black, and lastly, the Avengers. Mostly these are high-level, non-spoilery discussions.

Episode 146: Burning Down the Dungeon


First Keith reports on how things are going with his current D&D campaign, and describes a really cool player involvement technique he’s been using. Andy reports on the status of the development of the Star Trek Fluxxes, and talks about his father’s declining health. Then they talk about Infinity War, for like, forever. They also discuss Westworld.


Episode 145: Dinosaurs Riding Magic Trains


The guys discuss a lot of media this time, starting with Isle of Dogs and their expectations about the impending Infinity War. Andy talks about a scene he’d like to have seen in the Lord or the Rings, involving the Eagles, then he complains about people who ask if Pyramid Arcade is the Cones of Dunshire. Keith offers helpful advice and talks about dealing with people who are dismissive about Eberron. Then they bring down the Spoiler Curtain to discuss A Quiet Place and the first episode of season 2 of Westworld.


Episode 144: Tunnels and Toiletries


First the guys talk about a couple of games Andy played for the first time while visiting Keith, Onitama and Starfall. Then Keith talks about the D&D campaign he’s currently running, and what he’s planning to spring on his players next. Moving on to media, topics include The Expanse, A Quiet Place, Counterpart, Lost in Space, Groundhog Day, and Ready Player One.


Episode 143: Sausage and Feelings


This episode was recorded when Keith and Andy were together for a change, since Andy is in Portland for the Gamestorm convention. They went to see Ready Player One together and spend most of this episode discussing the movie. They also talk slightly about the start of the new seasons of Legion and the Americans.


Episode 142: President Franklin


After some yammering, the guys talk about new products they are about to release. Keith has an expansion pack for Action Cats! coming out for Tabletop Day, and Andy is releasing Get the MacGuffin and Anatomy Fluxx this week. Andy talks about AwesomeCon and how well the first ever Get the MacGuffin tournaments worked out. Keith has more to say about Ready Player One, having read the book again in preparation for seeing the movie, and they discuss some of the basic issues they have with the entire premise, from a world builder’s perspective. Keith compares and contrasts it with a book called Anno Dracula. Then they get into answering a listener’s question about how much you need to know about the history of an art form in order to become a creator, leading to discussions of how inventors build upon earlier works, issues that come up when working with someone else’s intellectual property, and when you need to consult with an expert on specific subject matter. They discuss their collaboration on Cthulhu Fluxx at some length. Lastly they talk about Timeless, and the challenges of creating a compelling time travel show.

Episode 135: I Was a Teenage Scamp


First Keith reports on his recent trip to his hometown of Ithaca NY. Andy mentions that this year’s Burning Man theme is “I, Robot” and Keith tells Andy about a new game being designed by friends of his called Inhuman Conditions, which is about trying to determine if your opponent is a robot or a human. Then they talk about tattoos people have gotten featuring images from their games. Andy tells Keith about a memorable hand of Action Cats! Then they spend more than half the show talking about Star Trek: Discovery, which Keith has finally gotten caught up on.

Episode 134: The Kevin Test


First Keith talks about how things went in the first session of his new D&D campaign, and about a D&D event he just returned from called Level Eater 8. Keith mentions a couple who went looking for a dog they could call Kevin. Andy mourns the passing of Joe Frank, recommends a book by Roz Chast called Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?, and asks if Keith has thought about going to Burning Man. Keith tells a morbid story, then they get into a big discussion about Star Trek Discovery, including some minor spoilers. Behind the spoiler curtain they also discuss The Good Place, Electric Dreams, and Black Mirror.

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers inside.

Episode 133: The Waffle Report


First Keith talks about a new D&D campaign he’s starting up, which he’s going to be running “sandbox-style,” and Andy mentions At Your Service, a book of sandbox-style adventures Keith wrote for the Over The Edge RPG system. Andy talks about sending Get the MacGuffin and Anatomy Fluxx off to the printer, and Keith talks about the Action Cats! expansion for which Andy submitted a new photo. Then Andy follows-up on the story he told last week about a mysterious cat that showed up on his doorstep. Andy also announces the pending release of Russian Star Wars Fluxx. This inevitably leads to another round of Star Wars discussions, followed by some talk about Star Trek, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, 24, and the endings of TV series in general. Lastly, behind the spoiler curtain, they discuss several episodes of Electric Dreams.

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers Inside!