All posts filed under “Eberron

Episode 83: Big Chubble in College Park


This week Keith’s in town, so they guys record the episode in Andy’s Game Room, where they spend some time discussing random vintage games in Andy’s collection. Andy gives Keith a box of cold-fusion Chubble which leads to yet another discussion about time travel. Keith talks about The Magicians and notes some of the differences between the book and the series. Keith talks about watching the series Space Race, causing Andy to talk about spaceflight history, in particular project Vanguard and race to launch the first satellite. Moving on to movies, they talk a little about Fantastic Beasts, Zootopia, the Secret Life of Pets, and Doctor Strange. Then they each answer the question, what’s your favorite Marvel movie?

Episode 80: Andy’s in Chubble


Illimat is the first subject of note, since Keith’s Kickstarter is just about to close. Andy talks about his recent West Coast trip, in particular discussing visits to local institutions including Portland’s numerous McMenamins locations, and LA’s Time Travel Mart, where Andy bought a mysterious product imported from the future called Chubble. Media subjects include Timeless, Westworld, and The Good Place.

Episode 79: The People’s Duel


This week Andy stops in Portland (during his big West Coast Trip) to visit Keith. Andy tells Keith how the trip has been so far, and Keith tells Andy about the Illimat Kickstarter he’s right in the middle of. Other topics include dog parks, Pyramid Arcade, the musical Hamilton, and dueling with paintball guns. Lastly they discuss several new shows: Timeless, Westworld, and Luke Cage.

Episode 77: Gobstoppers


The episode begins with Keith talking about his about-to-launch Kickstarter for his new game Illimat, and Andy points out that it’s an example of something he calls a Gobstopper: something that started out as a fictional thing, then became a real-life version of that thing. But then they spent most of the episode talking about the season 2 finale of Mr. Robot.

Episode 76: Humpback for Hope


First the guys talk about recent bummers, both national and local, then they discuss various work issues. They discuss several conceptual games including the board game called The Emperor’s New Clothes and some vintage, very tricky video games, including Humpback and Desert Bus. Then they spend the rest of the episode talking about the penultimate episode of seasons 2 of Mr. Robot.

Episode 75: Back When the Grifting Was Good


The show begins with some yammering about naps, the difficulty of falling asleep, and the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy original radio series. Then Keith talks more about Illimat, what it’s like to work with the Decemberists, the XOXO festival, and the coins from Fall of Magic. Andy mentions his worries about how the Haijin shipping crisis might impact the arrival date of Pyramid Arcade. Keith mentions a book he’s reading about Yellow Kid Weil, which leads to a discussion the word outlaw and of con man films including The Sting and The Flim-Flam Man. Andy talks about lots of media he’s seen recently, including Steven Universe, the new Spockumentary, and four different time travel movies. Lastly as usual, they bring down the spoiler curtain to discuss the most recent episode of Mr. Robot.

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers Inside

Episode 74: Project 12 Unveiled!


Keith just got back from PAX where he finally revealed the details of Project 12! It’s a game called Illimat which he’s been developing in partnership with the folk rock band the Decemberists! Now that he can finally talk about it, he has a lot to say. Other topics include games about pancakes, oversized pyramids, reading without reading a book, and the Twilight Zone pinball machine. Lastly they bring down the spoiler curtain to discuss at length the most recent episode of Mr. Robot.

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers inside.

Episode 73: The Andy Of The Past Would Be Aghast


First the guys talk shop, tooting their own horns about their new game releases. Then Andy talks about Molly, the sweetest doggie ever, who passed away this week, and he talks about how much he has changed from the cats-only guy he used to be. Andy also reads a quote about dogs from the author Stephen W. Meader. Andy talks about the video reviews posted at Red Letter Media, and Keith talks about a book he’s reading called Ancillary Justice. Lastly they talk about the most recent episode of Mr. Robot.

Episode 72: You Have to Question Everything Now


Andy & Keith talk travel & conventions, and how different it is to be working at such events instead of just attending them. Then they talk about stuff they are each working, including a lot of hinting about licensed works they can’t name yet. Keith talks about the most recent version of Gloom, and Andy’s big pile of unpublished Fluxx decks, including Math Fluxx. Then they discuss the challenge of making a game design as simple as possible versus the gameplay strengths that can be gained by a higher level of complexity. Andy talks about Cosmic Coasters, 4X games, and advice from James Ernest. Then they discuss the exciting new world of print-on-demand books, and soon, tarot-sized cards. Lastly, they talk a lot about spoilers in a spoiler-heavy discussion of Mr. Robot.

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers inside.

Episode 70: Phoenix: A Very Special Episode


It’s a very special episode of the Download, recorded at GenCon, featuring special guests Kristin Looney, Leila Zucker, and Laurie Menke, who join Andy in a demo session of Keith’s just-released RPG, called Phoenix: Dawn Command. Can this new team of Phoenixes save the Flame-Keeper from The Chant?